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Ghrit Nasya

Ghrit Nasya

per 15 ml



Product details

  • Helps clear nasal passages, removes excess mucus, facilitates easy breathing
  • Reduces the frequency of migraine, vertigo, headaches and sinus infections
  • Lubricates the nasal passages, prevents nasal dryness, beneficial in flight travels
  • Effective in chronic cold, sinusitis, nosebleeds, creates a barrier to fight against allergies
  • Beneficial in facial hyperpigmentation, melasma
  • Relieves shoulder muscle tension, neck stiffness and pain
  • Activates the Srungatak Marma-the vital marma point in the head which improves functioning of eyes, nose and brain, promotes mental clarity
  • Beneficial in premature greying of hair and hair fall
  • Regular use reduces the tendency to snore
  • Daily usage can help release stress, improve brain functioning and promote sound sleep

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